How to build muscles at home?

You can pump up anywhere: on horizontal bars, in a free street hall, and even at home. It takes a little patience, moral resistance to various distracting things, and time. Yes, muscles grow fast only in fairy tales about “12 weeks from IT specialist to Hulk” or “8 weeks from an accountant in Miss Bikini”. Workouts at home can be effective if they are conscious. A person must understand what he is doing – basic anatomy, differences between exercises from each other, technique, periodization should not be empty sounds. Do you not understand? Alternatively, you can take a good program. Or evaluate in detail the technique of each movement from the video that is shot during training. But first, you need to understand the theory a bit and go through a couple of programs for beginners.

What happens to the muscles during training?

The most common thing – training injures muscle fibers, nutrition and recovery helps them grow. During the lesson, we perform exercises that damage muscle fibers and create incentives for growth. When we relax, eat enough proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and sleep, the hormonal background of the body switches to anabolism. Muscles are “repaired” because the body “understands” that they are needed, a person will soon load them again. Over time, the muscles increase, and the person acquires the physique that he wants.

In fitness theory, changes in the body and muscle tissue are divided into training periods.

If you are a newbie in bodybuilding

Imagine that someone spent his whole life on the couch. At school, he had an exemption from physical education or some irregular activities like running or football. At the university, for a couple of years, he did not go anywhere except bars, at all, and when he saw that no one likes belly and thin pens, and shortness of breath does not add personal effectiveness. Our imaginary hero decided to build muscle.

He bought home dumbbells, a horizontal bar in the doorway, stops for push-ups and dug up a set of weights at the grandfathers’ cottage. He does not go to the gym, because their greedy coaches breed newcomers for money. He goes to YouTube, where some blogger teaches him to do push-ups from the floor, and pull-ups with compensation for part of the bodyweight with a jump. So our hero is engaged in push-ups, pull-ups, squats without weight, and light exercises with dumbbells.

Within a month, his nervous system gets used to “digest” the load, sleep, appetite improves, and the strength that goes after the beginning of each lesson goes away. Power gradually grows, so he can already be wrung out more than 20 times, and is forced to acquire stops and a heavy vest.

In the first 3-4 months, the growth of power is directly proportional to the growth of technical skill, therefore, when working with a trainer, tasks like pumping muscles are not posed. But you can’t motivate a beginner with this! He wants to quickly see the cubes in place of the soft abdomen, and the peak of the biceps in place of thin “chicken” hands. Therefore, a competent trainer in this difficult period will tell the ward about proper nutrition. With the help of normalization of the diet, a person will look better in a matter of weeks. This will be the first visual result.

For training at this time, exercises with bodyweight or minimal weights are preferred. The program is built around push-ups, pull-ups, goblet squats, lunges with minimal weight, squats without weights and direct twists to the press. These exercises need to be performed slowly, follow the technique.

Beginners Mistakes

To begin with, those who want to know how to pump up at home google biceps exercises, and begin to carry out them fanatically. But the point is not at all in the biceps but in the absence in the body of the prerequisites for creating an anabolic background. Simply put, a person simply “has nothing to grow” muscles, especially if he was neglectful of nutrition, and believed that if he practices at home, then mashed potatoes with sausage will be the athlete’s diet.

The biggest mistake is a reluctance to develop power. Yes, yes, all the Golden Age athletes were good security officials. And even any modern cross fighter will perform CCM on individual movements in powerlifting. But the gloss from sports convinces us that “it will do so” – bend your hands with something, do some exercises in a multi-repetitive mode, and you’ll be inflated. Not. Strength, by the way, can be developed to a certain limit at home. The only question is desire.

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