“We don’t quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.”

“Aging is inevitable, but no reason to associate it with pain, disability or mental decline.”

Researchers in the field of gerontology support the positive effect of the following life activities on our health and aging.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

Note: Between 1930-1960 the medical profession regarded vigorous exercise as a form of stress that would wear out the body. We know now that in contrast to machines which wear out with use, human organs and tissues develop an adaptive increase in function with use that runs counter to the changes which occur in aging.

A survey of people over 100 (Parade, October 16, 1988) showed that besides genetic propensity and physical activity, centenarians share characteristics such as:

In the overall conclusion, safe habits to prolong life include proper nutrition, a diet rich in fiber from fruits and vegetables, and low in animal fat, sugar and refined foods. Certain aging theories suggest a possible role of vitamin E and C and foods rich in nucleic acids as another nutritional aspect of long and healthy living. However, some of the ideas of the eastern world such as yogic breathing for vigor and vitality, postures to keep youthful body flexibility, and the effect of mind on our health and performance, are very important for healthy and youthful living. These ideas of the eastern world that are based on centuries of experience are certainly safe and effective as compared to the modern aging theories which are still in the exploration stage.

“I don’t believe in AGE. I believe in ENERGY…93-years old Yoga-teacher.”

References: “Forever Young: How To Fight The Aging Process

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