Mental Game Golf


You’ve heard it before. It’s that annoying voice that seems to pop up just in time to throw you off your golf game. Maybe it happens when you stand over the ball on the first tee or when staring at a 3-foot downhill birdie putt. Maybe it happens when you’re going for a par 5 in two over water. We’ve all heard this intruder and we’ve all been influenced by it.

It’s very distracting and it causes you to lose energy, focus and confidence.

Who is this critic and who invited him or her to the party anyway?

The inner critic is a part of all of us and it doesn’t need an invitation, does it? “That wasn’t good enough”, “This won’t work”, “You can’t hit that shot”, “Yes, the ball went where you wanted it to but that swing was lousy”, “John’s using a 7-iron and you’re using a 5-iron…you’re kidding me!” and on and on the critic goes.

Self-criticism often turns into a personal attack and when it gets personal it can negatively influence your game big time.

Here are 4 things to consider so you can quiet the critic inside you:

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