Perfection may be a goal for a lot of golfers but the acceptance of imperfection puts you in position to play your best.

Everywhere I go someone says they strive for the perfect golf swing while some strive for the “perfect round” of golf as well. Ever notice how many winning performances are imperfect performances? While amateurs and aspiring pros work diligently to be “perfect” in every way, the truth is; the performance of champions are generally NOT perfect.

You only need to look as far back as the Masters or past U.S. Open Championships or British Opens. You’ll see shots flying all over the course. You’ll see missed putts, drives landing off fairways and approach shots going into bunkers and water.

You’ll find the same in other sports as well. Baseball players are considered highly successful when they get hits on 3 out of ten at bats. Perfection? Hardly. A batting average of three hundred is considered a lofty feat in baseball. Great pitchers don’t throw perfectly either. They miss targets, give up home runs and walk opposing batters and still win ballgames!

You’ll find all sports riddled with imperfections by imperfect people and teams that go on to be icons in their respected fields.

What is the point of all this? The point is winners do not win because they’ve attained perfection. They become champions because they accept and work with imperfection better than others. Perfection is not the key to winning. Sure, you may STRIVE for perfection but it’s working with the reality of imperfection that brings you to your highest and most consistent performances.

Here are some important things to know about “imperfection” and “perfection” that will help you accept imperfection more effectively:

Being imperfect is more real than being perfect. Champions don’t fear “looking bad” because they are focused on the task at hand. It’s the effort and commitment they make that pulls them through. Golfers hit poor shots, hockey players get knocked down, and basketball players miss open shots. What they do AFTER that is what makes them champions.

By accepting you are imperfect you decrease self-induced pressure. Now you are fulfilling your obligation to express your talents to the fullest! (Which means you will experience the good, the bad and the ugly at times!)

Being imperfect means you can tolerate errors and mistakes. It doesn’t mean that you like them or look forward to them but it does mean that you tolerate them. When you tolerate them, you don’t waste energy being angry and frustrated by them. Tolerating your errors means you acknowledge them and move on to refocus on the next moment that needs your attention.

Practice and strive for perfection knowing that accepting imperfection is the key to playing “full out” without fear and reservation.

To Your Best Golf!

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