The Analytical Golfer

Most golfers I meet are very analytical. Not all of them of course but most seem to take a very analytical approach to the swing and their overall game.

Phillip, a 15 handicap told me, “Sure, I’m analytical. I’m always thinking when I’m on the course. I’m thinking about my pre-shot routine, my set up, my mechanics and if I’m hitting the shot correctly. After I hit the shot I analyze what I did wrong so I can fix it on the next shot.”

“That’s a lot of thinking” I told him. “Yeah, that’s why I called you. I’m trying not to think so much on the course. I think I’m overthinking!” he replied.

Take a look at the first four letters of the words analytical and analyze. Do you notice that they spell the word “anal”? Being “anal” means being uptight. I find a lot of golfers slip into this category and here are some of the traits they demonstrate:

• Constantly analyze the swing

Analyzing your swing can lead to tension and a loss of freedom in the golf swing. Your swing can’t be loose while thinking your way through it. Constant analysis of your swing can lead you to make unnecessary changes and distract your focus from being in the moment and enjoyment yourself more.

• Over think their game

These golfers spend too much mental time over club selection, trying to figure out the conditions, checking in on themselves to see how their doing, constant score thoughts and so on. Of course these things are important but some golfers spend so much time trying to make the “best” decision that they actually get in their own way and “out think” themselves. In between shots take your mind off the game by focusing on the course, talk to others, notice the sky, birds, trees or whatever you can look at and feel good about. Be thankful you’re on the golf course and recognize those things!

• Worry about the past and future

I find that many people say they have “run on” minds because they are always thinking and can’t “turn it off”. In fact, this is not real thinking at all because real thinking is clear, direct and causes you to gain energy; not lose it. What they describe is not thinking; it’s worrying. They find themselves worrying about the past or the future. All you can do is recall the past or imagine the future. None of that is real in the moment; it’s just in your head. The past already happened so you can’t make it real now and the future hasn’t happened yet so that’s not real either. All you can do is waste mental energy on them when you carry negativity from the past or project negativity into the future. Either way, reality is now and always will be.

How analytical are you?

To Your Best Golf!

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