The big occasion is just one month away,you have added weight the suit doesn’t fit as you will have loved,the wedding dress is too tight. You must have in this kind of situation or somebody close to you have experience. What can you do? Loose the weight fast everybody says but just how.

Adding weight is lots easier than losing it, so it will take some hours of working to achieve it in a short time.To loose weight in a very short time is daunting but could be achieved.

It should be stated that losing weight quickly is not advisable, it took you sometime to add such weight. Stressing your body in other to loos it very fast will come will some complication.

The approach discussed here is a quick fix because time is not on your side, once you able to achieve desired result the routine should be discontinued.

The Strength Training Approach: Gone are the days of every day 4 hours work at the gym, a well crafted strength training of thirty to forty minutes in a week should do the trick. You will be amazed at the result you get with One short intense strength-training workout a week.

The effect of exercise does not stop just after the work out, increase in body metabolism continues after the exercise. What this implies is that calories is not only burnt during exercise but also after the exercise.

To achieve functional lean muscle and burn lots of body fat, intense weight training sessions is required. The magic in this approach to losing weight is the intensity of the exercise and the recovery after the exercise.

Food Program Approach: The ideal food will be food low in fat and sugar. These are the quality food that gives more energy output, food that just fill you up or satisfy your appetite is not ideal.

During the day consume small frequent meals that little protein in order maintain muscle mass and energy levels. High quality vitamin and supplements should also be taken on a daily basis.

Discover how you can Lose 40 pounds in 2 week’s by just completing this 3 minutes Quiz Blow


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